· Septambra, 2015

Below are posts about citizen media in Arabic. Don't miss Global Voices الأصوات العالمية, where Global Voices posts are translated into Arabic! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Tantara mikasika ny Arabo tamin'ny Septambra, 2015

Mividiana Penina Iray, Manavota Aina Iray. Nanainga Hetsika Fanangonam-bola Ny Raim-pianakaviana Siriana Iray

The #BuyPens campaign is a collaborative effort to help a Syrian refugee father, recently photographed selling a handful of pens in Beirut, Lebanon. ............. Ezaka Fiaraha-miasa iray mba hanampiana raim-pianakaviana Siriana mpitsoa-ponenana iray ny #MividianaPenina, fakàna sary vao haingana fivarotana ireo penina eran'ny tanana tao Beirut, Lebanon.

Ireo pejinay momba an i Arabo
